************************************************************************************************************ Chinese numbers gesture
My little friends, let's learn how to count and write numbers in Chinese!
Click Chinese word and learn how to write.
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 stop
My Face
Finger Exercise
Happy Children, Happy Singing
Counting Stars
The Manner Song
Music Magic
Counting Stars
The Mandarin Chinese character 人 (rén) shows the two legs and torso of a human body. Early forms of this character showed hands, feet and head, but this was gradually simplified to the present form. ***************************************************************************************
Learning Colours - 颜色歌
The wheels on the bus
Counting Stars
The Mandarin Chinese character 人 (rén) shows the two legs and torso of a human body. Early forms of this character showed hands, feet and head, but this was gradually simplified to the present form. ***************************************************************************************
Learning Colours - 颜色歌
The wheels on the bus